Friday, July 25, 2008

I apologize if I haven't been staying on top of things lately because it's rather hard when you're away to actually sit down and reflect on the things that have happened over the last few days. In fact, it's actually harder too because so much time has passed and what I write down now will never be as good and as fresh than if I had wrote it down not long and immediately. Oh well, that's too bad. In the meantime, the best that I can do is too point out the highlights of the 9-day program hosted by ML.

Oh my God, it was so awesome! We went to some really cool places, like touring the ML trading floor on the 17th(?) floor of Citi towers, taking yoga class at the California Fitness Center near LKF, and touring the Bloomberg site at Cheung Kong towers. Everything was around the vicinity of Central, so it's nice to get an insider's view of the places located in Asia's leading financial center. There was also a salsa lesson with a couple who are among the top 20 ranked salsa dancers in the world (both Russian).

One more thing...B.S came in to talk about 'watch appreciation' - we were shown exquisitely and ridiculously oh so expensive watches (say, around $450,000-$650,000 a piece) that we got to hold. We were also shown a short documentary on F.P Journe watches, Swiss-made. There were even watches that need only be wound once every 100+ years.

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