Sunday, August 16, 2009

In case I haven't typed this note

1. Don't email when you can call
2. Don't complain too much
3. Do you homework - research!!!
4. Always ask yourself the big quesiton

1. Explain
2. Ask question
3. Business card

1. Too good to go somewhere without aid. Funding is a direct index of how confident they are in you.
2. UChicago graduate school?
3. Do your homework about the program
4. This year is tougher for grad
5. Graduate study abroad? Maastricht, LSE, Spain. Are these programs really worth it? Hard to evaluate the qualities of these programs
6. Talk to department/faculty. Talk to graduate students.

Jorge Garcia-Garcia, Steven Cheung

Ask yourself what you need to have prepared for it. Multi-year preparation. Demonstrated coursework in application.

Things you need:
Intellectual experience
Don't apply unless you're really sure
Clear sense of what is involved
What you need to do to be prepared
Transcript reflects thorough preparation
Relevant skills, track record (relevant to previous point)
All this must be evident in your application

7. Have talked to an advisor. Or identified a mentor. Not leave the school you've applied for.
8. Can write a serious note of calculation
9. The liklihood of applicant going to that program
10. What good articles have you read? By whom?
11. Who is doing exciting work
12. Top choice school & right program. Research in excellence reputation is important.
13. Talk to graduate students - indiscreet about life personal and program itself.
14. Look for spark in life. May need to make sacrifices while pursuing a PhD, 7-8 year program.
15. Proof of the pudding - everything in your application is true.
16. You're committing a few years of your life.

Shovel - learn how to dig yourself out of a hole.
To have that talent.
Have that future.
Research pros - where do deep thinkers do their thinking?
Sending signals out but not getting feedback. What if that was your communication with your grad school?
You have learned how to dig. Need to show that in your coursework.

Write think, puzzle it out.
Write a dissertation/ based on your original work.
Should think about teaching
Research scholar, A good teacher gets tenure. You have to be a good teacher. Do you like that kind of life? Write book, associate with really smart people.

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